his ideas stamped with the indelible ink of newborn fervor, who knows what he can accomplish, his ideas stemming from pure springs.
His hands writhe, caught between each lean mitt's fingers, swirling between cracks, movements chaotic, belying the angelic grace of a child of Eden. A dance by Pollock, over the canvas of his anxious tendencies. He is God, no creation seeks him out.
Failure, mutter, discrace, a yelp, crackling gutteral interjections between the stream of head nods and fluttering eyelids.
His mind's eye pans over the devastated landscape of premeditated disaster, . It speaks to him the crags and juts of broken images and smokey whisps of inspiration climbing the charred stumps of his neuroses. Blue faced. He coughs.
When he writes he asks for music, when he sings he prays for colors. For deluvian rainbows, blankets of sunshine, deified in order, red to violet. He is ecstatic. Never the first time, always the first time, his past and future blend into each other without befores and afters.
Eye panning, looking at his words like an audience, the curls and lines grin and leer and curse and praise...
I want them to know, he whispers to his page.
I want them to move from the crowd and tell all the others.
He imagines a baby with a rattle in his hand, clattering for all to hear the sybilant rattling sending fireworks before his eyes bead by bead..
He can tell you his story in so few words. He is newly minted, rushing to crash in the deluge, his new world.
My sunshine girl sitting to the left of me
I fight with tomorrow, we grapple. I mention a future and it steals it away. I tell it my hopes and fears and it sends me scampering, through tar pits and thorn bushes. We're best friends. I'm stabbed from the front.
Tomorrow never knows, but I believe him all the same. My false idol beckons me with knives for teethe, eyes old and glittering, my ancient enemy from the yet-to-come.
I will bleed for you, won't I?